Thursday, April 14, 2011

Statement of intent

    Statement of intent

Progression and achievement:
  On the exploratory stage I have experimented with twelve different techniques in art and design perspective such as; graphic and illustration design, fashion design, mixed media, print-making, photography, 3D, life drawing, video making, visual studies, sketchbook work and art history. The stage was set within three week to complete every activity, which I found very fascinating in terms of deciding which creative areas out of those that I love working with the most.
I have also visited Pembrokeshire, Wales where we stayed for a week working mainly out side with the nature. For the brief I have decided to do a stop-motion video based on a painting, which I did from the picture of Broad Haven beach. I have also decided to use one of Broad Haven beach photographs that I took and manipulated it on Photoshop in order to create a poster design that will bring back the atmosphere of Pembrokeshire.
Working on the exploratory stage I have acknowledged my skills and imagination by using a range of material and technique, which I found was very helpful even though I thought it was very hard to complete everything in three weeks for each unit. However it has helped me to push my self into a position where I now enjoy being.

Pathway choice:
For the pathway stage I have decided to choose graphic design as my specialism because I find it is a very interesting way of performing my ideas together with digital tools. Using digital tools I have gained a lot of experience from manipulating images in order to create poster designs for my previous projects, which I enjoyed doing the most. During the pathway stage I have done two more projects, which gave me a week to complete on each one. For the first project I did a photo-manipulation of my friend’s portrait photograph based on “Splash of Colour” brief. The other one was based on “Encounter” brief, which I had to go out to unfamiliar streets and respond to what I could find. I found both projects very challenging because they allowed me to experiment with digital tools on Photoshop, which I would like to be specialised in the most. The last project I did was based on “Urban Environment” brief, where I have chosen to do a poster design based in Manchester social life. So for my personal confirmatory study I would like to continue with doing graphic design. However I would like to combine the work of graphic design together with video making (stop-motion film) in order to present my graphic design in a different way that I haven’t done before.
Personal Confirmatory Study aims and objects:
For this final stage of the course I have decided to do a graphic motion animation where I will be using images from my practical work that I have produced during the visit in Manchester, then I will create a poster design to go along with the animation video in order to promote a nightclub in Manchester. Where I will be using different techniques that I have learned on my exploratory and pathway stages such as printmaking, photography, video editing, photoshop, collage and a range of drawing technique in order to help me to produce my final outcomes.
  From having been researching into many inspirational graphic designers on my Urban Environment project, again I have found Shonagh Rae’s and 178 Aardige Ontwerpper’s works very influential. I like the uses of materials and techniques they are specialised in, which are related to what I would like to do for my personal confirmatory study project. To start the project I have decided to research through books, magazines, posters, leaflets, flyers, newspapers and Internet, while visiting and taking photographs of Manchester nightclubs in order to perceive the real environment and bring it into my design. I will also produce a range of practical work throughout my sketchbook in terms of developing ideas and gain a higher standard of work.  I will also visit Manchester art gallery to see how they present their works. So, hopefully I will come across with an interesting way of presenting my work for the exhibition and being able to impress the audience. Also I will be using a video camera and a tripod to film each progression throughout my development. This will be put together with my chosen music in order to complete the graphic motion animation part.

  For my Evaluation I have decided to do an online blog in order to keep the record of my working processes. Then I will be reflecting on the work I have produce in order to improve some mistakes may occur during the creation. Doing this project for my confirmatory stage I believe it will extend my experience and skill in graphic design, which I think this will help me building up a productive portfolio when I go for university and job interviews in the future. 

                                                                                                          Nipaporn(Mim) Chansri

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